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Weather information for Reunion Island
The weather forecast for Reunion Island benefits from a geographical situation close to the Tropic of Capricorn to enjoy a very pleasant climate throughout the year.
When it's a bit too hot in the Bas, Météo-France La Réunion's weather forecast can guide you to places with more comfortable temperatures in the Hauts, as in the Circuses ( Cilaos, Mafate or Salazie) or on the Plains (Plaine des Cafres or Plaine des Palmistes).
Similarly, when the climate is humid on Sainte-Marie, Saint-Benoît or Sainte-Rose , it is often good weather on the west coast between St-Paul and Saint-Leu or between Saint-Louis and Saint-Pierre . The reverse is sometimes also possible especially some afternoons (predominant sun on the eastern littoral and cloudy overflows on the west)

Reunion Weather Forecasts, Made every day from the center of the Chaudron in Saint-Denis, will allow you to find the city where the weather conditions will be the best for your visits, your hikes or simply for a little idleness on one of the beautiful beaches of the " Bourbon Island ( former name of the island) .

Throughout the year, Météo-France La Réunion also issues meteorological vigilance bulletins (as for heavy rains, strong winds, thunderstorms, strong swells) when dangerous weather phenomena are likely to occur and you Warns when approaching a tropical storm or tropical cyclone .